Friday, November 5, 2010

The Overlords

Have you ever noticed that in general people do not advance in government and commerce, etc. because they are virtuous? Often not even because they are the most skilled or talented at their craft. Again, in general and yes there are exceptions, the worst of us are advanced. The ones who are willing to compromise their principals, the ones who are "in it for the money", the ones who will ... follow orders, etc..

Children are usually taught that virtue, honesty, hard work, etc. are the way up. Why are they taught that when in fact, again, generally speaking, that is poppycock?

Many centuries ago shaman who had an understanding of things astronomical told the masses, "On day 'x' I will blot the sun from the sky". And on day x there was an eclipse which frightened the you know what out of the populace. This was then used to threaten. "If you don't do such and so I will cause the sun to go away forever"!

Such things as that were the beginnings of ... priesthoods, royalty, etc. ... Or as I call them, "the overlords". Today they are more likely to control giant corporations, financial institutions, etc. I believe the world is controlled by a few thousand such as these. Like about 2-3 thousand. The kind of people that attend Bilderberger meetings, etc.. People who often could care less if you and I live or die. I do not believe that is their agenda. I often wonder what is. And I wonder who controls them.

Here is an interesting article about some of these folks. "after the collapse of the economy those behind the world's depression still seem to be doing just fine" ... what a shock.

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