Tuesday, November 16, 2010

About the recent upsurge in reports of rage regarding TSA scanning, pat downs, etc..

A few days ago there seemed many more reports in evidence where a few days before there were perhaps 30% as much "chatter". This started a couple weeks prior to the Thanksgiving rush.

I personally don't think ... at that time ... there was any more interest in the subject than there was say, three months ago. I believe reporters, newspapers, television networks in effect generated the interest, and in effect the "fourth estate" was then making the news as well as maybe reporting it.

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Friday, November 5, 2010

The Overlords

Have you ever noticed that in general people do not advance in government and commerce, etc. because they are virtuous? Often not even because they are the most skilled or talented at their craft. Again, in general and yes there are exceptions, the worst of us are advanced. The ones who are willing to compromise their principals, the ones who are "in it for the money", the ones who will ... follow orders, etc..

Children are usually taught that virtue, honesty, hard work, etc. are the way up. Why are they taught that when in fact, again, generally speaking, that is poppycock?

Many centuries ago shaman who had an understanding of things astronomical told the masses, "On day 'x' I will blot the sun from the sky". And on day x there was an eclipse which frightened the you know what out of the populace. This was then used to threaten. "If you don't do such and so I will cause the sun to go away forever"!

Such things as that were the beginnings of ... priesthoods, royalty, etc. ... Or as I call them, "the overlords". Today they are more likely to control giant corporations, financial institutions, etc. I believe the world is controlled by a few thousand such as these. Like about 2-3 thousand. The kind of people that attend Bilderberger meetings, etc.. People who often could care less if you and I live or die. I do not believe that is their agenda. I often wonder what is. And I wonder who controls them.

Here is an interesting article about some of these folks. "after the collapse of the economy those behind the world's depression still seem to be doing just fine" ... what a shock.

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Thursday, November 4, 2010

The good old days of computer usage when a virus was an exotic thing

Circa 1982-84 when I first started using PCs, there was no WWW. My computer was a 99% closed system. The only way malware could enter was if I put it there via floppy disk, etc.. Getting new software was a fairly rare occurrence, and when you did it was often from folks you had dealt with previously, (an update on disk, etc.). We local computer professionals used to swap stories we heard about this or that virus in a faraway land etc.. I think it was the mid 90s before I actually encountered my first infection.

Now, if you don't keep up with updates, and you use the web, you are asking for trouble. I've talked to pros who check for updated software at least weekly. You must have all the latest Anti virus, firewall, and usually one or more other malware checking programs. And STILL the nasties gets in.

Sometimes I sure miss the old days.

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Tuesday, November 2, 2010

We want people to vote ... and we want people to know what they are voting about? I find that very hard to believe.

I believe if we really did, something very like the following would be required.

1> THREE, not two, not four debates on C-Span, etc. each and every election...one in August, one in September, one in October leading up to election for EACH AND EVERY elective position. Don't want to debate? Fine, your off the ballot.

2> MUCH easier ways to see ALL voting records for ALL candidates EVERY election.

Do those things, and I believe MANY more people will be enthusiastic about voting.

Ads on TV, etc. saying vote for x, because they are better than y, paid for by people for x, ... endless telephone calls from candidates saying you should vote for them, etc. ... tell no thinking person anything and in my opinion are actually detrimental to democracy.

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Saturday, March 22, 2008

Ball Lightning

I actually experienced this up close and personal when I was 10-12 years old.

I opened the front door of my uncle's house. As I looked right a shimmering ball of light came around the corner of the house. It was about basketball sized and white. It was silent but had a static like quality about it.

It stopped dead directly in front of my face perhaps 2-3 feet in front of me! I was scared to death. I slammed the door shut. After perhaps 10 seconds I peeked back out. It had proceeded to the other corner of the house and was rounding the corner. I never saw it, or another lightning ball again.

I know this sounds nuts, but I had the feeling when it was in front of me that it was "looking" at me.

Those that have read many of my posts know I tend to post heavily on esoteric subjects. This is one of the experiences in my life that got me interested in such things.

It was a clear, warm, "fluffy cloud" type of summer day when this transpired. I doubt there was any electrical storm. If so, it was an hour or more prior.

an article about the subject

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Saturday, November 17, 2007

Religion, science, belief, and the nature reality

"Not only is the universe stranger than we imagine, it is stranger than we can imagine. "
Sir Arthur Eddington

"The atoms or the elementary particles are not real; they form a world of potentialities and possibilities rather than one of things or facts."
Nobel Prize winner in physics in 1932 Werner Karl Heisenberg

"There is no quantum world. There is only an abstract quantum mechanical description."
Nobel Prize winner in physics in 1922 Niels Henrik David Bohr

I make no claim to know the nature of a creator, be it a Flying Spaghetti Monster, an alien, an old guy with a gray beard, a machine, or something else. My personal belief at this time is that the multiverse was created or dramatically modified, and, or that our perception of it was and is being manipulated by one of the above for reasons unknown to me. And that this creation/modification includes the use of evolution.

I have problems with authorities be they religious, scientific, or otherwise who claim to have some degree of a, "corner on the market" of understanding.

As far as I can see, this matter is personal to each of us and "forced thoughts" should not be foisted upon any of us as none appear to fully understand. For this reason, and because it is such an important part of life, I believe in presenting all major viewpoints to children. Teaching them how to think, not what to think. Some of this subject seems to belong in philosophical class discussions, other aspects in scientific. Let them, and all of us decide what we do and do not believe.

Doing otherwise seems to me to censor thinking. I don't want to be indoctrinated/brainwashed by either religious or scientific minded organizations, groups, or individuals.

Personally I'm glad we all don't believe the same thing. I want to hear as many views as I can. Maybe I'll learn something. It's obvious to me that my feeble grasp on understanding is exactly that.

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Saturday, October 27, 2007

A Personal True "Ghost" Story

I am pleased to present this story. As to whether or not it actually pertains to a disembodied or other type of spirit, at 56 years old, I do not know. When it transpired circa 1956, I believed it was "someone", and quite real.

We lived on a farm not far from Clarion, PA. It was a nice old farm with a big house. The owner allowed us to live there in exchange for my grandfather doing farm work. I believe it was 40 acres, with one or two part time employees aside from my grandfather. I liked it there better than any other home we ever lived in.

I slept on the second or third floor, in what I took to be an attic. My cousin also slept in the room. She was about 12-14 years of age. To my knowledge, she never had any sightings of what I am about to tell you. Although, it is possible she too saw it, and said nothing. Perhaps one day I will ask her.

I never told this story until I was 30-40 years of age. I am not sure why. I suspect embarrassment perhaps.

What makes this seem odd to me is that it happened several to many times, more than 10, less than 50. I would guess a reasonable estimate would be 20 times within a span of 2 years.

Here is the general scenario that transpired in almost all cases:
I would see a man outside the doorway to the room I slept in. The door was left ajar likely because being 4-5, I was afraid of the dark. I do not know if this man always showed up at the same time or not, but nearly every time the same thing transpired.
He was dressed in dirty, perhaps even ragged clothing. He carried a burlap sack over his shoulder. The sack appeared half full, of what, I have no idea. He had a long gray/white beard and appeared to be in need of a bath. Perhaps appearing 80 years of age. For those who think I might have thought this was what Santa Clause looked like, I did not. He looked nothing like the jolly old fellow in red I had heard about.

He would stop, look directly at me, smile a very friendly looking smile, and wave. I got the impression that he seemed to know me or liked me. After a few seconds he would turn and stroll silently and leisurely away. I never heard any sound of footsteps or anything else.

I was both afraid and curious. On one occasion I obtained enough courage to go to the doorway and peer in the direction of his departure, which by the by was always the same too. I saw nothing.

One time and one time only, I thought for a moment that he was going to come in the room. I was terrified. However, he left after perhaps lingering a bit longer than his usual few seconds. As always he smiled and waved.

Was this a fantasy or dream of a young boy, or was it perhaps exactly what it seemed to be? What do I now, 51 or so years later believe? Well, it's easy to say it was always a dream. Perhaps so. However, I don't believe that.

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